"I'm trying..., not to care what people think of me."
19 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As so often happens with movies 'based on a true story', what's represented here is fictionalized for the sake of making a picture. I always have to wonder why that's the case, as telling an accurate story would almost always be better that what we've just witnessed. With that caveat, the film does offer a generally accurate description of the mistreatment Native American Indians received at the hands of the federal government, which viewed them as savages unable to conform to the ways of 'civilization'. Historically, the real Caroline Weldon was an Indian rights activist, in the film her name is changed to Catherine, and her mission is more of a personal nature. Portrayed by Jessica Chastain, Catherine demonstrates great perseverance and courage in pursuing her mission to paint a portrait of noted Teton Dakota Chief Sitting Bull. Michael Greyeyes is sublime in the role of a formidable warrior grown weary of fighting against a formidable opposition he sees as implacable. As related here, the picture offers the sad story of the passing of the Old West and the death of a noble warrior, entering the spirit world of his forefathers as he himself saw in a vision. Most inspiring to see was the 'ghost dance' of Sitting Bull's white horse Rico, paying tribute to his fallen master at the sound of a gunshot.
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