3 February 2021
What a tangled web.

THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE, perhaps one of the greatest film noirs of all time. One film you cannot and will definitely not get enough of, no matter how many times you see it.

Human nature at its very worst, defined.

Credit the chemistry between John Garfield and Lana Turner who, actually, had a brief affair during production. No question this classic inspired so many similar screenplays, but none to capture the perfect storm as displayed here. The cleverist thing about it all -- you may even catch yourself secretly rooting for the bad guy and girl, and ain't that the kicker?

Author James M. Cain had a sly sense of humor.

Great support from Leon Ames, Audrey Totter and especially crafty Hume Cronyn, in a role he defined. Masterfully directed by Tay Garnett, who began his long career in comedy films. Ames and Totter also co-starred in LADY IN THE LAKE.

There has been a long debate, comparing this version and the 198l remake starring Jack Nicholson. But you can't top Garfield and Turner. Bette Davis summed it all up, stating "It's highway robbery, Lana Turner did NOT win an Oscar!" Her next starring film would be GREEN DOLPHIN STREET opposite Van Heflin.

Forever on dvd and remastered blu ray for a new generation.
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