Barney Burman explosive directional debut brings home the bacon...
12 January 2021
Writer/director Barney Burman brings us Wild Boar. A brilliant imaginative roller coaster ride of a movie. This is Barney Burmans directional debut. Wow what a debut. This is a really fun movie. A group of treasure seekers led by Scarlet (Augie Duke) and her fiance Garrett (Daniel Roebuck) are joined by Garrett's brother Turtle (Jim Nieb), and their friends, Sable (Jessica Sonneborn) and Griffin (Michael Reed). Legendary entrepreneur Roger Foster (Barney Burman) supposedly has left a significant treasure they want to find. They get more than they bargained for. They land up in a hidden valley cut off by civilization whose inhabitants are radiation, mutated pigs. In our world we eat them in there world we are there meals. Captured, tortured and what transpires is unimaginable. Barney Birman is a brilliant and talented make up artist. I was told he had Approximately 20 people work on this at his B2FX shop. After viewing a lot pays tribute to The Planet of The Apes and The Hills Have Eyes. While it pays tribute it stands alone and is original and one of the best movies of this genre. A very like able cast Brings life to the chaos. But Augie Duke really shines in this. Augie really has fun with the character and believe it or not gets to really show her acting range throughout the movie. Comical, fear, survivalist. Her delivery is a delight to watch and so amazing you have to see what I mean. Her growth through the character is amazing as the movie progresses. I really look forward to see what comes next from Barney. The movie was well paced and was not overdone with over the top FX. No it compliments the movie and they are equally disturbed throughout the progress of the story that unfolds. These pigs have a life and are amazing to look at. They are scary and keep you on the seat with terror as our survivors try to get back to civilization.

DIRECTOR: Barney Burman CAST: Augie Duke, Daniel Roebuck, Douglas Tait, Jessica Sonneborn
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