The Galaxy Invader (1985 Video)
The alien seems almost an afterthought at times.
25 December 2020
I almost wanna say that this film was supposed to be Laser Blast 2; however, Charles Band had nothing to do with the film and he actually could have pulled together a decent special effect or two, whereas this film features Swamp Thing with no eyes and a laser gun fighting for its life against rednecks led by Joe and a guy show slobbers while he smokes a cigar. Okay, to be fair, that only happened once, but dang there was a lot of spit coming from his mouth! A movie made on the cheap, obviously where they did not bother with gore, nudity or action and seemed to forget the film was about a galaxy invader!

The story has an object falling to the earth. A guy witnesses this and calls his professor because that is what we all would do and proceeds to wait in the same spot for six hours. Meanwhile, the alien kills a couple who apparently is mute before moving on and running afoul of a family where the husband starts chasing his daughter through the forest with a shotgun. His son tries to stop him, but they come across the alien who decides not to kill and gets shot and loses his ball thingy which powers his gun. We get rednecks in the woods, we get joy wielding the power of the orb and we get very little alien. That alien in Night Beast would of killed Joe and everyone in town before they even knew what hit them!

So, this film features an alien, but as I said, it seems almost like an afterthought at times as they focus on Joe, a man with the world's most yucky t-shirt. We get to watch people plan strategies and we get to watch Joe passed out asleep, try to rape and try to kill, but the alien? Well, it appears from time to time and kind of moves around or something.

If one watched the cult television show, Mystery Science Theater 3000, one is going to recognize scenes of this film in the movie The Pod People. One will also notice that the scenes they used are pretty much all you see of the alien. Not sure why they felt the need to not show the alien, it doesn't look bad, like Swamp Thing with no eyes as I said. The film, thanks to the lack of alien or action gets very bogged down at times as they just do not give us anything a small budget horror film needs to show to help it elevate itself beyond obscure that no one watched to cult greatness. The film also looks older than 1985 too, as old as a ripped up t-shirt from the 1920's...
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