Dante's Peak (1997)
11 November 2020
Dante's Peak is a fantastic, edge of the seat Disaster Thriller from the best decade that made them the 90's & this movie is definitely one of the absolute best of it's genre. The 90's was my era of being a teenager & loving movies & we had so many excellent Disaster type flicks coming out like Stallone's Daylight & Bill Paxton's Twister & Tommy Lee Jones' Volcano & Dustin Hoffman's Outbreak & many more but DANTE'S PEAK is a MASTERPIECE of that genre in my opinion. Pierce Brosnan is brilliant as the Volcano scientist expert sent to a beautiful little all American town that happens to be very near to a huge Volcano that recently has been causing some strange behaviour around the area including the surrounding forests & rivers. Brosnan is truly excellent as our lead hero & is simply an astonishing actor & is still my favourite James Bond by far!!! Brosnan gives such a convincing & dedicated performance as Harry & i loved his nice guy character & also Linda Hamilton (Terminator 1&2) is equally fantastic as the nice natured Mayor of the town who actually wants to save everyone & is a good single parent mum to her two kids & has such nice chemistry with Brosnan on screen, they make a perfect match & both give superb performances. Gotta talk abit about the legendary Pierce Brosnan as he was absolutely in his prime during the 90's with Classic films such as Mrs. Doubtfire, Mars Attacks & especially his big stint as the greatest JAMES BOND ever!!! His 1997 Bond outing Tomorrow Never Dies is my favourite of all the BOND franchise & no one has ever been better than Brosnan in my opinion. Brosnan always seems like such a nice guy & is in real life I've heard many times over the years & lately he stole the show as a British Mercenary in the brilliant survival Thriller NO ESCAPE with Owen Wilson, there he was more a side character but his presence made the movie feel greater & his performance was fantastic & he stole the show & that's the power of such a great performer & veteran actor. I will always have big Nostalgic love for 90's Brosnan because that was his glory days & when he starred in his best films, especially DANTE'S PEAK.

The little town is beautiful & a stunning background for our Characters & the town looks so gorgeous, almost old fashioned like a 1950's all American town complete with a town hall for meetings with the townsfolk & the whole gorgeous town is surrounded by stunning forests & beautiful rivers, this is a postcard town & i loved everything about it from it's cozy Coffee Diners to it's big stunning bridge & we also have a lovely colourful Carnival happening too. The cinematography is beautiful, colourful & eye popping from the glow of Neon signs to the Bright Colourful Carnival it's all stunning to look at. The music is fantastic throughout the whole movie, perfect score. The action is so well spaced out & made exciting & threatening through superb build up & tension such as the horny couple who take a naked dip into a beautiful water hole pool within the forest & it's warm & peaceful but the scene plays out like it's a Slasher flick from the 80's as it builds up to the couple not getting sliced up but by boiling alive in the water, it's an impressive & thrilling scene to show what's slowly happening around the place. The Disaster sequences in this film are some of the greatest ever filmed in my opinion, the suspense is almost unbearable at times (The boat of the boiling acid lake) & the action is thrilling & exciting & absolutely edge of the seat stuff. Probably my favourite Disaster movie ever & this is the best I've seen Pierce Brosnan as a lead hero, he's fantastic & i loved his little team that join him with his investigations in the town & the like i said the building up of threat & danger is expertly done & explodes with action & devastation.

Dante's Peak is a forgotten Gem from the 90's, a Classic Disaster movie that never gets mentioned & it's such a shame because it's a thrilling Masterpiece of a Disaster movie with excellent performances & beautiful cinematography, it's top notch filmmaking & a perfect "Pop Corn" movie & to me is what movies were about back then, the entertainment, fun & excitement. A stone cold Classic
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