Great acting. Incredible cinematography. Outstanding sfx.
26 September 2020
Ha ha. Kidding. Sometimes these old Italian films do have incredible cinematography, I think because Italy is gorgeous. But partly because scenery doesn't act badly or move. There were some very good camera angles, which Italian films often rely on. They did not overcome the Captain Kirk-like acting. The story line was....there....but there was no resolution. If it intended to leave questions, that's okay, but zero answers is not okay. Sort of the "life is a s*** sandwich and every day you take another bite then you die" low budget existential....thingie. Very Italian.


Great use of bland facial expressions Great use of Italian, British, fake British, American, and fake American accents Great placement of arbitrary commercials on the service I was using to ensure something interesting periodically showed

Favorite highlight: The aliens. Great button pushers and toggle flippers. I especially liked the one whose job was to push and hold the red button the entire time.
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