Deca-Dence (2020)
Very good anime show of 2020
24 September 2020
Well I would have never expected to watch an anime thats about Cartoon-Network style avatars (known as gears) trying to fight CGI monsters partnering with the humans (known as bugs). To be quite honest with you and out of stupidity, the amount of times they mention Deca Dence in this, I still haven't a bloomin clue what Deca Dence is. I suppose my monkey brain self just admired so much of the art and the fighting scenes out put into this that you'll immediately get lost in a good way lol...

Seriously the teamwork with Natsume and Kaburagi were just so wholesome man! I just like Natsumes confident attitude like she does them fights good! Likewise with Kabu, for a cute little robot avatar, he just surprises you on how clever he is! However I think the best character in this is Jill. She definitely is best girl with her sly clever attitude when she's helping out with Kabu. The actress Michiyo Murase did a phenomenal job voicing her!

Yeah if you like you're mad max themed and monsterish type of story, look no further and watch this anime! It's also by the director who did the fantastic Mob Psycho 100😁😁
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