The Boys: Proper Preparation and Planning (2020)
Season 2, Episode 2
draggy episode,
6 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So far I've found this series to really drag. The first series shaped up so beautifully that I found myself thinking about it even after it ended & that despite the fact I'm not that keen on the genre. This time round the hour long episodes seem to just go on & as yet the drama is shaping up pretty slowly.

Homelander is as good as ever & still as psychopathically nuanced as ever, capable of a sudden explosion of cruelty or destruction at any moment but butcher doesn't do it for me & may take another few series before I'm used to his cockney accent. As for the others A-train is good, the Deep is annoying, & only Starlight really works to hold the narrative together.

The feminism in this episode is grating. Queen Mauve is back emoting with her ex-girlfriend, whose existence exists here to amplify that Homelander isn't just a psychopath, he's also male, oppressive & controlling. In this world woman to woman relationships are the tenderness that omnipresent threat of male brutality threatens.

This brings us to Stormfront. Super-sassy, takes no sh** from anyone, speaks her mind, lectures us about swedish "feminist" superhero Pippi Longstocking, before advising Starlight that the next time someone randomly stick a d*** in her mouth she should bite it off.

The only good thing in this episode is Homelander & his son. Just imagine having homelander as your dad. You'd have no hope. Either he'd train you up to be a worse psychopath than him or you'd be in therapy (or hospital) for the rest of your life. Literally, I am only watching this at the moment because of a) Homelander, b) Gus Fring or whatever his name is now & c) because I know episode 3 currently has a 9.6 rating, & things could be about to get more interesting. They'd better
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