(Un)Well (2020)
Dubious and reeks of agenda
12 August 2020
I wouldn't be surprised if this 'documentary' has been sponsored by big pharma, big food, or any other industry who might be hit in the pocket because of the ever-increasing amount of people who are realising that they have autonomy over their own health, and that resolution of issues needn't be expensive and that there are alternatives to the old paradigm of a pill for everything .I have just watched the episode on Fasting as it is something that I and millions of others have practised and had transformational results with. I know from first-hand experience that fasting resets the body, and can cure ailments far more effectively than chemical prescription drugs which come with a load of side effects and which treat the symptoms, not the cause. Yes a plan must be followed, obviously if you have been eating Macdonalds every day it would be foolish to then go on a 30 day water fast, but here you would just follow common sense and transition slowly. Our bodies have a remarkable ability to heal themselves, if treated properly and given a break from time to time, which is what fasting does. In this documentary Christy Harrison, who is apparently a medical doctor, does her utmost to discredit fasting despite the mountain of evidence that contradicts her blatant bias. There is a reason for that bias, it either has something to do with a monetary incentive, or she believes in an increasingly outdated medical paradigm which is all about symptom management and repeat prescriptions. There has been so much research done on how fasting not only extends life but enhances its quality through better health. Check out the work of Valter Longo. And also, Fasting is free, so if this programme wanted to show how the wellness industry is all about money-making (and no doubt there are some charlatans out there) this would be a bizarre example.
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