Meet "Mr. Opinion-Overload"
28 July 2020
After watching this decidedly biased bio-documentary about "Mr. Opinion-Overload" (aka. Eugene Louis Gore Vidal) - I'm now convinced that way too many Americans have clearly placed far too much importance on what this obstinate public figure had to say.

I found that for a man who never had a single, successful intimate relationship in his entire lifetime (where he remained virtually celibate) - Vidal sure had an annoying knack for mouthing-off (with such superiority) about the inadequacy of so many others.

IMO - Vidal's final 4 words in this documentary, pretty much, summed up (in a nutshell) what I think about him (and all of his high-falutin ideals and opinions) - And those 4 words were - (*quote*) "I couldn't care less!" - And, believe me - I couldn't care less, either - No. Not even if I tried.
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