Soul Mechanic (2020– )
18 July 2020
I really like the personality of our heroine Woo Joo. She is outgoing, (over) confident, (over) enthusiastic, (too) honest, extremely empathetic and totally lovable. At the same time she scares people off in personal and professional relationships because of her over eagerness and especially her unpredictable and uncontrollable outbursts. Clearly she has some serious emotional or psychological issues and her chance meeting with Dr Lee, a psychiatrist who lives for his job trying to heal his patients in unconventional ways, eventually lead to Dr Lee taking on Woo Joo as his patient. Without spoiling anything, we are not surprised that their relationship develop into a romance.

Yet romance is a not the central theme and is treated in a very understated way, despite Woo Joo's cute and bubbly personality - at least when she is not in her psycho state. What comes across is that our couple are really attracted to each other by their personality rather than their physique, and most of all by their common natural desire - if not downright dependency - to help others. All this despite their individual trauma which has been preventing them from living a full life and entering into or maintaining serious relationships.

Will their romance survive? Will they fully accept each other? Perhaps most importantly, do they really love each other or are they confusing their desire to heal other as love?

I really enjoyed this show. The actors are fantastic and truly endear us to the characters. My only criticism is that the finale feels a little underwhelming, though that too is inline with the show's understated style and emphasis on the themes of healing and friendship rather than overdramatic romance. Highly recommended.
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