Convict 13 (1920)
Prison wildness
17 July 2020
Have held Buster Keaton in very high regard for a while now. He was daring in his athleticism and did inventive stunts that even Charlie Chaplin (another comedy genius at the time) probably wouldn't have been as brave at even attempting them. He is also one of the few actors in comedy to make the deadpan style of acting look good. While the premise is not an original one, it sounded fun, being somebody that has liked to loved a lot of Keaton's short and feature films.

'Convict 13' is not one of Keaton's best and is not an essential, there was a sense that Keaton's style had not fully matured yet somewhat. It is still a lot of fun having said that and one can definitely see Keaton's appeal watching it. There are a lot of things done brilliantly in 'Convict 13', with it being very funny and Keaton is on good form, it just feels as well like there was something missing from the equation (a stronger story in particular would have helped it have more impact).

The story is the weak link. Keaton short and feature films are not to be seen for the story, figured that out some time ago, and the story here in 'Convict 13' is very thin and sometimes improbable. While Sybil Seeley is sweet and charming, her character didn't feel necessary and felt more like a plot device.

Am also with those that didn't care for the ending. It is too abrupt, too pat and have always found these type of endings too much of a cheat and 'Convict 13' does nothing to change my mind.

On the other hand, 'Convict 13' looks good if not innovative visually and the prison setting is put to good use. Keaton would go on to better things when his material became wilder and bolder, but he is still great. The beautifully timed and daringly performed physical comedy wows and excites (if not quite making the jaw drop worthy) and even at this point of his career his mastery at deadpan is evident. Joe Roberts' craziness is both entertaining and intimidatingly insane.

Furthermore, the first five minutes alone are a sheer delight. The golf section is brilliant and would have liked to have seen more of it actually. All the gags are very funny throughout but especially in this section where they come thick and fast and stand out. The cops chasing Keaton is also laugh out loud funny. The story may not have wowed me, but it was never dull and there is something immensely charming at the wonderfully weird surrealism.

In summary, not one of Keaton's best but very nice still. 8/10
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