Black Mirror: Men Against Fire (2016)
Season 3, Episode 5
Eugenics Pick N Mix
18 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers

At first I thought it was a pretty unoriginal take on a zombie movie, which it kind of is. The twist is simply that the "zombies" are just people with bad genetic traits. I was actually really enjoying the story for the first half or so.

A better twist for the episode would have been to have the device show the roaches as normal people - when in fact they really do have a dangerous contagious sickness, and it turns out the military are actually justifiable in their actions. At least then it would give the viewer something to think about. As it stands, it's completely obvious from the start that the roaches will turn out to be innocent people.

As another reviewer mentioned, history and the present day continue to show us that certain humans need no excuses to oppress others and visit violence upon other people who are different. The idea that a human would only kill another human if they resemble a literal monster is absurd to the point of farce - completely divorced from the reality of the world and human nature. A regime can always find violent thugs ready to get out there and guiltlessly follow orders.

The eugenics angle seems a little silly. If they had the blood results for these undesirables, why would they be eliminating them in such a haphazard way? Why wouldn't they take care of them at the time of the testing? It's possible I misunderstood the nature of the testing, or that they only decided later on to exterminate these people, or that they somehow escaped. I guess the bloodwork results wouldn't be instant. This version of administering eugenics just comes off as goofy.

It just seems odd to me that if the elites decided to exterminate these "inferior" people, that they would do it in such a bizarre way. The logic is that they want future generations to inherit good traits, but the world the "normal" villagers are living in looks crummy as hell anyway. It doesn't seem to me like they are caring about quality of life for the "normal" people, so why would they care so much if they got some bad genes? Wouldn't it make more sense for the well bred powerful people just to isolate themselves away from the undesirables?

The ideas of fascism and eugenics are completely unoriginal- to the point that the villain comes off as a one dimensional moustache Twirler. For this episode to be compelling you need to be able to sympathise with the villain in some way.

It really just feels like this world is unrealistic and the episode didn't do a great job of explaining the logic of the world.
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