12 May 2020
I found this movie actually very enjoyable for me. as someone who is not a big horror movie fanatic i didnt mind this one. this movie is certainly not for everyone and some of the writing is very questionable but the actors are great. Brittany Raymond, the actor who played miriam randall stood out the most to me and you can tell that she is a very experienced actor, the rest of the actors were great but nothing special. i think this movie deserves a higher rating than 6.1 but i completely understand as the writing and plot of the movie can be very boring to some people. there were a couple of scenes that did make me confused like when the lady is about to get murdered and instead of running she decides to talk to the murderer which just ends in them both dying. i think the character miriam was a big part In this movie but i feel as if the rest of the characters were just kind of there. over all i would certainly watch this again but definitely on once or twice more as it is not a movie you can watch a number of times without getting bored. DEFINITELY RECOMMEND!
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