The Only Saving Graces (pun intended) of This Movie
7 May 2020
The only saving graces of this movie were the acting talent and the visuals. What should have been an extremely interesting premise for a post-apocalyptic scenario winds up a huge disappointment due to insufficiency of story. Speaking as a huge Dinklage fan (my fav GOT character was Tyrion Lannister), kudos to both he and Fanning for inspiring performances, as well as a sound out to Paul "can do no wrong" Giamatti and Charlotte Gainsbourg for likewise subtly disturbing performances. The problem I have with this movie is the lack of follow through on Fanning's back story once it unsettlingly invades the present day lives of Dinklage and Fanning. Especially the comment she made about them pairing her (paraphrasing here) with Giamatti and Gainsbourg. The movie further fails for me when moving forward after Fanning leaves with Giamatti and Gainsbourg to return to her former life. Not enough details come to light explaining the existence of this seemingly large group of survivors. There is such a thing as being too subtle in conveying story, and that is the flaw that I find with this movie. I was, however, intrigued by the depth of details involving Dinklage's existence in this new post-apocalyptic world, and his sweetly increasing affectionate and dependent relationship with Fanning. Some of the biggest niggling questions for me, though, were, one, where on earth did those fireworks come from that alerted Dinklage to Fanning's car crash arrival, two, how in the world did Giamatti and Gainsbourg know where to come to find Fanning's character, and not just in this town on the whole, but at the exact house where she was residing when they did find her, and three, the seemingly endlessly available supply of driveable cars and functioning batteries after however much time has passed since this apocalypse first occurred. If I were able to rate the actors in this film separately from the overall movie itself, my rating would be significantly higher, as each of their respective performances were stellar. However, the movie on the whole for me failed to deliver satisfaction.
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