I have no reason to like this movie but I love it
1 May 2020
This movie is like a good piece of toast. Buttery sourdough toast. There's not very much substance or nutrition to it, but sometimes you just sit down and get all cozy and enjoy a buttery piece of sourdough toast.

It's Complicated is an average dumb comedy movie that's so much fun to watch for literally no reason. maybe it's the fantasy. maybe it's the upbeat Hanz Zimmer bossa nova music. maybe it's the idea of working at a cute bakery, living in a multi-million dollar home, having three girly friends to spill drama with, and having a sTeAmY lOvE tRiAnGlE as a 50 something year old. But I watch this movie all the time when I'm feeling down or just want to be happy and cozy and giggle a little. This movie brings me so much joy and I don't even know why.

I don't know whether to recommend this movie or not. But I can say, it makes me very happy and I smile every time I watch it. Like eating a good piece of toast.
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