Review of Black Sheep

Black Sheep (2006)
27 March 2020
My quick rating 5,4/10. Nice to see NZ filmmakers paying homage to the great Peter Jackson, that is for sure. We seem to have mutated everything else and turned things into bloodthirsty killers so why not try doing the same with SHEEP lol. Yes, the jokes you are thinking are ever present as well. And abundant. It falls flat on the horror side though, as the goofy gore that these movies are known for is lacking. But the sheer silliness is pretty funny. I would've liked to see a bit more of a couple of the lesser used characters since one of them was quite amusing. Overall it is surely a good effort and did lead me to checking out what else this team has made. I unfortunately did not see much at all (scifi called "Realiti" to check out).Not BBBBAAAAHHHHHDDD. Sorry, I had to.
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