Far Cry 5 (2018 Video Game)
By the dawn's early light.
27 March 2020
'Far Cry 5 (2018)' marks the first time that a game in the series has been set in the USA. As such, it has come under fire for its politics. However, the game isn't saying anything particularly controversial; whatever political musings there may be, they're entirely perfunctory. The story puts you in the shoes of a rookie police officer tasked with bringing in the leader of a notorious local cult. When all hell breaks loose, you must rally your allies and, essentially, enforce a form of home-grown martial law to bring things back to the way they used to be. The narrative is delivered in a less straightforward way this time around, with the majority of the game taking place within three distinct districts that can be played in any order. The occasional cut-scene will move things along without you having any input, but for the most part you are in control of the story's progression. This incidental kind of vibe is appropriate for the game-loop, as it allows you to undertake your own mini adventures while you progress towards the greater overall goal. That goal is, as usual, to reclaim the map. This time, though, there are no towers to climb. Instead, the world simply reveals itself as you move through it, meeting all manner of quirky character and delirious foe as you go. The map is chock full of content, most of which is driven by specific characters and, therefore, feels more important than the busywork it actually is. The 'buddy' system does a great job of making you feel like you're really having an impact; when you save certain people, they become available as AI co-op partners. Though the thing has a good sense of progression, the actual plot is segmented and ultimately unfulfilling - thanks, in no small part, to a cheap, supposedly 'clever' rug-pull of an ending. The sections which remove your control are clearly the worst parts of the entire affair, feeling frustrating and jarring, to boot. It takes a while to for the game to get into its own groove, but once it does it's an entertaining time. It feels like a slight step down for the franchise, but it's an enjoyable open-world experience nevertheless. 7/10
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