A Solid Second Episode
10 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was a harsh critic the first couple of seasons of Legends of Tomorrow, but have completely changed my opinion as the seasons progressed. They finally found their footing and embrace what they really are, a silly show that doesn't take itself seriously. In the beginning, it was all over the place like they had no idea what they were trying to present and in the process, turned beloved characters into idiots. Now that the writers have finally decided on their direction, every episode is an enjoyable one as long as you don't try to make it into something it's not and enjoy it for what it is, a goofy piece of fluff. Even the Legends recognize they're idiots and mess things up constantly. Random thoughts as I'm watching the episode:

  • Oh, sweet straight-laced Ray. I do adore you and hope they bring Nora back to become a series regular. There is room now that they got rid of Mona.
  • Nate had redeemed himself in my eyes last season after doing nothing but annoying me the prior season. He's sliding backwards again into idiot territory, and this whole "bro" thing is rapidly becoming old.
  • I feel like this Officer Sullivan is supposed to be a reference to a real person, but I am not understand who if that's the case. Watch and constable?
  • Haha, new timeline Zari is awesome. New events really have changed her.
  • It's unsettling to see Behrad interact with the team like he was there all along when we have zero idea of who he is.
  • Mick, don't ever change.
  • Why does Ava sound like Sara when she's singing? Is this her real voice? If so, she's quite good. But she still sounds like Sara. Also, love how the band miraculously knows the song.
  • Jess Macallen may be a good singer but could desperately use a lesson in lip-syncing. I think her lips are supposed to match the words she's supposedly singing.
  • Oh. That's more like what I expected from Ava. A train wreck. Drunk Ava may be my favorite character yet.
  • Oh, new Zari is totally playing you, Nate. Don't fall for it. I have to say, the actress is pulling off the new Zari really well!
  • Really, John? You didn't bother getting the gun before looking for the blackmail stuff? Because she was so trustworthy before?
  • You know, walking up to the girl, snatching the briefcase and running away to destroy it elsewhere would have been effective, too. She was wearing heels and probably couldn't catch up. A car bomb seems a little overdramatic. I guess this is why I could never be a good criminal.
  • Uh, oh. Two episodes and two people dead. Ray Palmer isn't going to stand for that. He's probably the next Legend to say goodbye.
  • Geez, John will put anything in his mouth.
  • Who knew time travel and vacations to hell were so easy to achieve?
  • The gun could have come in handy for the other souls Astra released and are roaming around topside again, but I guess you're the one in control, John.

Something that happens by adding members to an already bloated cast is that someone is always thrown aside and forgotten about. I fear that's what is happening to Ray Palmer. His role on the team is no longer clear, and he just seems to be an afterthought. I have loved Ray Palmer since his first appearance on Arrow and it's disappointing to see him relegated to a tag along. Hopefully they will change that in future episodes. This one had a couple of surprises with Ava's fantastic singing voice and Zari's new personality. I used to force myself to watch this show, and now it's my favorite one. Let's hope it keeps this up!
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