Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Civil Defense (1994)
Season 3, Episode 7
Apparently this episode took time to get off the ground... at that shows
24 January 2020
From what I read, this episode did not have a script that everyone liked. They had the idea, but no script. Eventually a script got approved but not after constant rewrites. In the end, the producers are happy with the final result, but I have to disagree and say, this episode has potential and falls flat.

The finale is not any twist, nor is it an exciting finale. It seems more like a disaster film where everything that could go wrong can go wrong. We don't learn anything really new from the characters, we do not seem to gain any new ground, except to learn that Dukat and Garak hate each other. Neat, but what about the main characters?

This is an episode with the potential to have dialogue and interactions that could move characters forward, in the end, it is a disaster episode that moves at a plodding pace and ends with a rather unconvincing display.

This is rated high among fans, I rate it lower. However it does give us back evil Dukat. For that I give it a higher rating.
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