Crash Landing on You (2019–2020)
Ridiculously Amazing Love Story!!
18 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What a unique story!! Imagine a rich businesswoman from S Korea goes paragliding in her freetime to de-stress and gets caught in a tornado that blows her into N Korea. She gets rescued by a handsome army guy and his rag-tag troop of subordinates (belovedly nicknamed "the ducklings"). The army captain ends up having to rescue her and protect her many times over, and she continuously stymies and befuddles this straight-laced, Joe Friday, "Just the facts, Ma'am", pragmatic officer.

Americans: Get past the one-inch barriers called subtitles and allow the looooong, dramatic pauses to roll off your shoulders (there aren't as many as other K shows). The characters are so well written that you will love them all. Even the bad guy played by Man-Seok Oh is sooooo good at being bad (not to mention a cutie too). You get all you could ever want in an entertaining show with this one. Give it a whirl!!!
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