Not quite the sum of its two halves...
1 January 2020
Oddly enough, despite the blurb and the advertising marketing this as a 'lesbian' flick, I was much more taken with the other plot thread... a family struggling to deal with unthinkable tragedy. Their mother murdered, their father accused of the crime, two sisters and their kid brother forced to fend for themselves: pretty heavy stuff.

And it's powerful in places, especially with the added weight of the whole capital punishment debate. There wasn't really much need for the explicit sex scenes or a very awkward scene in a house where no-one knows Kim Mara's character is gay. Her and Ellen Page have reasonable chemistry, but I couldn't help but feel like their relationship was sometimes an unwelcome distraction from other more interesting stuff going on in the background.

Whatever. The material we do have here make it more than worth a watch. Give it a try. 6/10
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