A fun '80s comedy
31 October 2019
As this film opens Theodore 'Teddy' Pierce is sitting on a ledge high above the ground; he tells us how up until four weeks ago we wouldn't have looked at a woman other than his wife. The film goes onto how he came to be where he is now. One day he sees a beautiful woman in a red dress walk over a grate; the draught blows up her skirt and she has a little dance... he is immediately smitten. Later Teddy tries to get together with her but events seem to conspire to keep him from her; whether it is accidentally phoning the wrong woman to arrange a dinner date or trying to impress her with his non-existent horse-riding skills.

This comedy is a lot of fun, not too surprising given that Gene Wilder is not only playing Teddy but also wrote the screen play and directed. It may be about a man's desire to commit adultery but it feels surprisingly innocent; it is more that he wants a bit of excitement in his life than wanting to betray his wife. Similarly there isn't much to offend; a little swearing and some 'blink and you miss it' nudity but that is about it. There are lots of laughs to be had; many provided by Teddy's group of friends... the scene where one of them. Pretending to be blind wreaks havoc in a restaurant is priceless. Gene Wilder is on fine form as Teddy, he makes the character likeable despite what he is doing; Kelly Le Brock looks stunning as Charlotte, the eponymous woman in red, one can see why Teddy fell for her! The rest of the cast are solid too. Also notably is the soundtrack which features several songs by Stevie Wonder. Overall I'd say this is a fun '80s comedy; definitely worth watching if you are a fan of the genre.
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