Backstage murder mystery never really clicks
20 October 2019
Drama behind the scenes: Broadway star is engaged to her producer but fooling around with the press agent. The press agent is blackmailing the show's author. The prop manager eavesdrops outside dressing room doors. Lots of intrigue but suddenly -

Inspector Oscar Piper and his friend Hildegarde Withers arrive at the theater, looking comical in their evening attire. Oscar has trouble with his top hat and stick as they bumble their way through the lobby and find their seats. Is this a comedy now?

The mystery and the humor just don't mesh in this slow-moving series entry. It's a pretty standard plot: The shady press agent is found murdered in an actress's dressing room; the inspector is summoned from his seat to start the investigation; Miss Withers tags along and picks up clues.

James Gleason is fine as always as the irritable inspector. He'd like to start asking people questions but is annoyed to discover that the show is still going on: "What am I supposed to do, stand around playing mumblety peg till the show is over? This is murder!"

Zasu Pitts makes her second appearance as the nosy but perceptive Hildegarde Withers. In this case, she steals the dead man's handkerchief then wanders around the theater sniffing everybody in search of a matching scent.

Joan Woodbury is fun as the glamorous star of the show. Tom Kennedy is hilarious as Gleason's slow-witted assistant--but he has just a handful of lines. Marjorie Lord has a sympathetic bit as a cast member.

Unfortunately, the story really plods along.... Less detecting and more character interaction might have livened this one up.
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