Excellent Early Carpenter Effort
17 September 2019
It's so much fun to look back at the early works of soon-to-be acclaimed artists and see how much of their style was evident from the beginning. Assault on Precinct 13 is definitely much more down to earth and realistic than most of John Carpenter's later horror films, but he brings a similar intensity to all of them that started here as a group of police officers, staff, and prisoners find themselves under siege by a demented gang after one of their witnesses takes shelter in the soon-to-be-closed precinct.

Carpenter's love of scope cinematography, eerie synth music, and atmospheric establishing shots are out in full force and, while the film is less accomplished and more rough around the edges than some of his later works, it's a fascinating and incredibly well made film. Even this early in his career, Carpenter shows a knack for interesting characterizations and orchestrating intense scenes of suspense.

The cast is also excellent with Laurie Zimmer as the main standout, but not for a positive reason. While attractive, she displays the range of a cardboard box. Her empty stare and flat line deliveries drag the film down a bit and took me out of the film every now and then. It's to Carpenter's great credit that his script and direction can overcome this and present a compelling, must-see film regardless.
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