Why this has such good reviews I will never understand
26 August 2019
Sure it tried, but it still wasn't very good. Aside from the problem that is adapting a 64 episode manga into a single movie, there are many other fundamental flaws with this movie too. One of the biggest is that Ed and Al's chemistry is completely butchered. Barely felt like there was a connection between them at all. Their fight in the abandoned factory was just painful to watch.

Trying to fit about 20 episodes worth of material might work if you knew exactly what to adapt and leave out, but this movie just doesn't do that. Important characters like Armstrong are completely left out while the drama between the brothers is regularly shown.

I am glad it worked for others, but this movie did not work for me. Highly recommend you stick to the manga and anime (FMA: Brotherhood in particluar).

So it appears this movie has been review-bombed by paid reviewers here to praise the hell out of this movie even though it's very problematic, as evidenced by the excessive downvotes to all negative reviews and upvotes to all the positive ones. What's the point of reviewing something on IMDB anymore if it's just gonna come down to this??? Sigh.....
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