Gnaw (2017)
Not very horror, but drama, and pretty interesting
3 July 2019
Straight away, you should know: this movie's horror aspect only really comes in at the last 30 minutes or so of the film. This is a story about a woman who escapes her abusive ex, steals a demonic box from a shop, and finds herself waking up with sores and bite marks all over herself. Most of the plot comes from the drama and mystery, of what is doing this to her, what happened to her neighbor, and what her ex did to her to make her run away. If you enjoy storylines like that, you'll have a good time watching. If all you want to see is the horror and the creature, it doesn't come until the very end of the movie. It might be boring to some, but my interest was held. The payoff at the end was worth it. The creature was very well designed, and in my opinion, was actually kind of cute. The ending was very satisfying to me as well. It's something you don't see in many movies. Definitely worth a watch at least once.
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