Prom Night (1980)
Principal By Day, Disco King By Night
21 June 2019
Prom Night mostly feels like a slightly above average TV movie of the week both in story and production value, but every now and then, it jolts you with a creepy phone call, a spooky music cue, or a brilliantly executed chase scene and reminds you that it's worth watching.

6 years ago, a group of friends got a little too carried away with a game of hide and seek and killed their classmate. Now, prom night is falling on the anniversary of her death and someone wants to get revenge for her.

While sold as a Jamie Lee Curtis vehicle after the success of Halloween, Prom Night is much more of an ensemble piece and, thankfully, our young actors are a likable and charming bunch who make spending time with them worthwhile. This is good, too, since Prom Night doesn't get to any slashing until almost an hour into the movie. For many, this is a huge deal breaker, but it's refreshing to see a horror film more concerned with the characters than the blood and guts.

Once the blood (and disco music) starts rolling, the pacing does improve and it's a breeze to the finale. It also features one of the best executed chase sequences you're liable to see in a slasher film. It also dispenses with the usual final scare ending of most slasher films and, instead, offers a poignant, heartbreaking finale much more in line with its character driven first hour than its slasheriffic final half hour.
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