Hellraiser (1987)
Like It Or Not, It's Original
18 June 2019
Original horror is pretty hard to come by, but Clive Barker somehow managed to create a fascinating original horror film in 1987 that's unlike anything I'd seen before or since.

Hellraiser tells the sordid story of Julia and Larry - a couple who might be on the skids. They move into a house owned by Larry's brother, Frank, who's mysteriously disappeared and, all of a sudden, things start getting super weird. We learn that Julia had an affair with Frank years ago and that he was probably the best sex of her life. Larry gets injured and a few drops of his blood, somehow, reanimate Frank. Julia, seeing this as an opportunity to get some of that good sex again, agrees to bring a series of men to her home and kill them so that Frank can replenish himself. Things get even more complicated when Larry's daughter, Kirsty, starts thinking something fishy is going on. Did I also mention that this all revolves around a strange puzzle box that unleashes a group of demons in S&M gear?

Hellraiser has A LOT going on for a 90 minute film and it's amazing that it accomplishes everything it sets out to do. It does help that it has a fairly small amount of characters and takes place in mainly one location. The performances, especially by Clare Higgins as Julia, are far better than average for a film of this sort and the special effects are pretty terrific and gruesome. The entire film has a darkly sexual vibe throughout that's sure to make people really uncomfortable.
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