Some Good Ideas Here and There
18 June 2019
Exorcist II: The Heretic is easily one of the most hated sequels of all time and I can't say it's without good reason. It goes against just about everything that made the original so terrifying and unique and tries to do its own thing with, sometimes, God-awful results.

The Heretic has Regan in her late teens now and she doesn't remember much of her ordeal with the devil in Georgetown. She's seeing a therapist who believes that she might have a special gift for healing. A priest (played by Richard Burton) believes this, too, and they all figure out that the devil only seems to like to possess those who are natural healers.

This is an interesting direction to take, but they don't really go anywhere with it. Director John Boorman's camera swirls, twirls, and flies with aplomb, but it seems like it's only doing that to make up for a less than satisfactory narrative. One thing is for sure - Ennio Morricone's music score is stellar and filled with beautiful themes (including a gorgeous theme for Regan).
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