State of the Union (2019–2022)
Pretty, but nothing earth shaking
27 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I think I watched this all the way through because I like listening to Chris O'Dowd's attractive Irish accent. I've always liked Rosamund Pike too, there's something very watchable about her because she's quite pretty, not that she's an earth-shatteringly talented actress but she does pretty good. So with these two attractive people at center stage, and these gimmicky short episodes (let's hope THAT doesn't catch on as the next new big idea in Hollywood) it was watchable. Sure, the dialogue was very British and witty but, nothing earth shaking happens during all these episodes. And it's all tidied up too neatly and hurriedly at the end, even the character Louise is kind of surprised things all wind up working out strangely seamlessly, at least on Tom's end. This series was mildly engaging and mildly entertaining. Although British series of any kind typically are much more visceral, intense, and brilliantly acted than anything on American television (and I'm an American saying that) this is so lighthearted it's too lightweight and simplistic. And seriously, what couple bickers endlessly with such clipped and endlessly witty repartee, like they're perfectly verbally fencing ? I just didn't buy it as authentic and it didn't really reveal anything of depth. There's one conclusion that Tom and Louise draw at the end that has any meaning to it- that two people can realize and acknowledge that they have a flawed relationship, yet choose to stay in it anyways and work on it. That is, at least, something of value to be gained from watching, if you don't happen to miss it amongst the otherwise flippant exchanges between them.
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