Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
A Satisfying Conclusion to a Great Series
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Many people are upset by this episode, primarily because it did not agree with their beliefs as to how the show should end. A pity as their bias made them miss out on a satisfying and logical conclusion.

Dany was NEVER a feminist hero. She was a vengeful tyrant, increasingly murderous for the smallest slight. Jon and Tyrion realized this and both knew what had to happen.

Bran makes sense as it bring it all full-circle. Plus a Stark King with a Lannister Hand contains a strong message of treating people as individuals not groups.

Sansa asserting her right as Queen of the North shows her development. A wallflower turned into a strong ruler. Hers was the hardest of roads and she deserves her title.

The end of the Iron Throne was one of the series most poetic moments. This grotesque--and seemingly uncomfortable--piece of furniture got what its deserved for centuries. While the nobles rejected the idea of democracy, they did decide on an old-style republic, suggesting Westeros was evolving.

An additional word needs to be said about Peter Dinkledge's performance. He turned from the despised "imp" who turned to drink and sex to becoming the voice of reason. His performance was magnificent.

And so, we have Queen of the North Sansa. Jon back at the wall. King Bran advised by Tyrion, and Arya sailing off westward. Hopefully, she'll not wind up in New York, detained by ICE agents.
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