Bonding (2018–2021)
One of the most accurate mainstream portrayals of kink to date
25 April 2019
Episodes are short, you can binge the entire season in less than it takes you to watch a movie. This is a show about people that live kinky lifestyles (BDSM, fetishes, that sort of thing) and the psychology behind them, but does it as a comedy. It's actually one of the better representations of the topic, even though some of the scenes will come across as "outrageous humor" and "shock value" for those people with more vanilla tastes. It is much more entertaining than other productions that have tried to address the topic and butchered it (Fifty Shades, I'm looking at you).

I'll admit that I bumped the rating by a point just for bringing topics to the screen that don't often get talked about in any serious way. But then I deducted the rating a point for some sloppy and rushed writing in the last couple episodes, and I always have a pet peeve when a show can't take 20 seconds to Google the difference between psychiatry and psychology.

Overall, it's worth a watch to see an entertaining look at a commonly misunderstood topic.
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