6 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Dragon: the Bruce Lee covers the legendary actors rise to fame, from his early life in China to the many obstacles he came across during his pursuit of prosperity in the USA. Its common issue with biopics to exaggerate certain parts of the characters life to make the movie more interesting, the movie does this by making Lee battle a hallucination of a samurai warrior numerous times in the movie; this is of course a metaphor for Lee's inner demons, this is an example of good exaggeration in a biopic. Jason Scott Lee plays Bruce brilliantly, they couldn't of picked a better actor at the time, as for the rest of the cast, some characters felt slightly flat and underdeveloped, but this problem can be ignored by the fantastic performances from the lead roles. Dragon: the Bruce Lee story is an emotional roller coaster that keeps the audience engaged at every second, I personally think this is the best biopic of all time as it shows the consequences of fame and fortune and who might loose too it, this is the most under rated movie ever; if you want a brilliant biopic, go and watch this!
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