I See You (III) (2019)
I See You: What in the blue hell was that?
28 March 2019
I See You is certainly a weird little film, not weird like Ron Jeremy's bits breaking off and going on a killing spree like in One Eyed Monster (2008) or a tyre gaining consciousness and telekinetic powers like in Rubber (2010). No this is a different kind of weird.

Filmed entirely through a camcorder it follows an unlikable wretch of a human being as he decides to make a vlog of basically his life much to the chagrin of those around him. It documents his friendship with the insanely annoying Rick and his relationships and how they develop.

But of course it can't be that simple, spliced into all the footage (In random orders may I add) is bloodshed and carnage. But who is responsible?

The fact that this isn't in chronological order doesn't work in its favor. I get what they were going for but it doesn't work. You know what else doesn't work? Not having any likable characters throughout! The whole movie looking so insanely ugly and it all feeling so very pointless.

This is NOT a horror despite what the cover would suggest, it's barely a thriller.

The Good:

Had the right ending at least

The Bad:

Who am I supposed to be rooting for?

Looks awful

A jumbled mess
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