midlife crisis movie
16 March 2019
Georgie Soloway (Dustin Hoffman) is a troubled highly successful singer-songwriter with his latest song rocketing up the charts. The movie starts with Georgie jumping off a building and then safely landing on his therapist's couch. He is facing a midlife crisis of existential angst while trying to uncover a hater named Harry Kellerman. Time is passing by. He is disengaged from his wife and his kids. He has meaningless sex with his girlfriends. He becomes taken with a fading actress named Allison.

The narrative is disjointed and surreal. There are some good scenes, some funny scenes, and some boring scenes. What it needs is something to drive him into his crisis and be the reason for the movie. The closest idea comes from the conversation with his wife Gloria. It's his kids but they're never on screen. They can't be his motivation if they don't have screen time with their father. In the end, the big reveal is a little confused. It's a big idea of self-destruction which needs more exposition. This has shades of euro art house. I just want to connect more with the character and his plight.
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