Serial Killer
3 March 2019
A maniac is going around Indiana, killing young women. A composite drawing looks like John Hubbard, a bank teller in a town called Medallion and Cy Kendall is a special investigator in town, asking questions. As the movie progresses, we get sketches of the people and their small-town, gossipy manners as they begin to turn on Hubbard, and the suspicions of the audience begin to grow that he may be the killer.

Suggesting in story Hitchcock's THE LODGER and SHADOW OF A DOUBT, it makes some visual use of the growing tropes of film noir -- there's one scene which is heavily shadowed by nearly closed Venetian blinds -- but it looks more like an attempt to copy the Master of Suspense than do film noir -- Juanita Quigley as the daughter of Hitchcock's landlady, Mary Gordon, is quite funny in her snooping and considered, piercing screams.
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