The Oscars (2019 TV Special)
I like to thank the winners for going on and on.....
25 February 2019
It started off with a blast. Queen!

The hostless Oscars ceremony because some comedians have not realised the dangers of social media.

However the lack of jokes was noticeable and maybe we should have had more Queen songs.

The awards were nicely spread out this year. Bohemian Rhapsody, Black Panther, Roma, Green Book all got a slice of the pie. I did think Green Book was undeserving of the top prize, especially as one of the writer's Nick Vallelonga supported one of Trump's lies about Muslims in New Jersey and was caught with his metaphorical pants down. It also undermined the message the film was making.

The downside of the Oscars were those excruciating awful speeches. Here is a hint, the television audience does not want to know the names of everyone associated in your life. If you win the best special effects Oscar, there can be 750 people who worked on the special effects in some capacity. So when you thank and read out the names of 30 people. What about the other 730 who you have ignored?

The worse offender was Spike Lee who ironically won an Oscar for his words. I had to put my hands on my face in horror as he droned on and on. I would not be surprised if BlacKkKlansman was meant to be the Best Picture Oscar winner and someone swapped it for Green Book to save the world from another Spike Lee speech. Spike, there were three other writers of that film and they did not even manage to get a word in.

At least Lady Gaga showed how it should be done. A powerful performance of Shallow with Bradley Cooper followed by an inspiring speech.
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