This movie totally explains the corruption by Donald Trump and in the Republican Party.
26 January 2019
OMG!!! I could not sleep last night. I watched this movie and it totally explains the corruption by Donald Trump and in the Republican Party! I feel like I have just discovered the cure for cancer or at least the cancer that is Donald Trump and which has infected the Republican Party (a party that I used to support when Gerald Ford was in office) for years.

One of Roger Stone's sayings is "Never underestimate the power of disinformation!" Roger Stone is truly evil. He will do anything to win an election. He will lie, cheat, create false narratives, whatever it takes. He feels that anyone who plays fair is a sucker. He has been around since Richard Nixon and even has a tattoo of Richard Nixon's face on his back!!!

Roger Stone has been active in the Republican Party working on the campaigns of Nixon, Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush. He is likely behind the "Birther Movement" claims. He was a partner in a law firm with Paul Manafort and Lee Atwater. They represented and lobbied for the most notorious dictators!

I would not be surprised to learn that Roger Stone is the author of many of Donald Trump's tweets and lines he uses at his rallies.

This film explains everything! I think it deserves an Academy Award for Documentaries!!! Every American and even people outside the USA should watch this film.

To cure the cancer in our politics, we need to first diagnose the problem and this film does just that!!!
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