Killer Night Shift (V) (2018)
Did I say bad? I meant, unfathomably bad
29 December 2018
For anyone that wants to make movies, Nightshift is a must see. Not for it's lush style, great dialogue, fabulous production design, nor for the compelling performances given by the players. It doesn't have any of that. What it does have though, is poor production design, continuity gaps you can drive a space shuttle through, and writing that's so bad, it's amazing anyone had the nerve to show it.

Well, this is bad.

Did I say bad? I meant, unfathomably bad, as in you simply will not believe how incomprehensibly dreadful this utter garbage is. So void of any humor, wit, charm, heart, or talent whatsoever, if you actually pay money to see this craparama, you will most likely be yourself

Effects are stupid, acting is stupid, story is stupid, guess the only fans are the people who made it. Do not waste your time or money on this movie.
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