Review of RoboCop

RoboCop (2014)
RoboCop: Simply didn't need to be
28 December 2018
Robocop has to be up there among the movies that simply shouldn't have been remade, just why?

Okay fine I'm a tad bias, I'm generally anti-remake/reboot and think the fad needs to stop. Cease telling the same stories, cease fouling all over the originals, make new movies with new ideas please!

To make matters worse on this occasion I think the original Robocop (1987) is highly overrated and I never saw the appeal at all. Then there are the sequels and the television series but let's not go there.

So a remake of a movie I already thought was highly mediocre?! Didn't stand much of a chance really and it failed about as hard as I expected.

Curiously though it's a cutesy PG-13 almost Disney version of the original tale, I was shocked how and why they'd taken an r-rated classic and made it fun for the family! Who made that decision, and why did they think it would be a good idea?

The film to its credit has a great cast, Oldman and Keaton together in a movie and it's bad! Who saw that coming?

The film is mindless action, a generic story line, full of wasted actors and an oddly large amount of political satire thrown in for good measure. Samuel L Jackson is Alex Jones, just less crazy, paranoid and did I mention crazy?

Robocop (2014) simply shouldn't exist. It's not the embarrassment that Ghostbusters (2016) was but it still didn't need to be.

The Good:

Solid cast

Some solid political commentary

The Bad:

PG-13, really?

Lewis's sex change

Some aspects are so stupid it made my teeth rattle

Poor soundtrack choices

No prime directives

Shouldn't exist

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

People need to stop doing polls on political specific sites

"We are gathered here today in the memory of original ideas"
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