The Twilight Zone: Death Ship (1963)
Season 4, Episode 6
Common elements, not well used
18 December 2018
Yet another take-off on the Forbidden Planet space ship, but this time rocket-powered? It seems an advanced interplanetary spaceship would not use rockets to take off, but that was what the early 60's screenwriters were stuck on.

Also, the interior was very poorly designed. If they ARE going to use rockets, with their apparent high initial acceleration, the placement of the controls makes no sense - as seen when the fight over the controls occurs.

While I think Jack Klugman acted his character as directed, I did not like the character at all. Can you imagine James Kirk striking a fellow crewman who disobeyed orders? Um, OK, bad example, but in that episode at least it made sense.

Speaking of Star Trek, I find it an interesting contrast with how this episode treated the possibility of alien mind control with the Star Trek Menagerie/Cage episodes. Here it is almost a throw-away, offered without any real proof, vs ST, where it is the central conceit of the episode(s), and discussed in detail.

While it was worth watching once, I doubt there is any reason for a repeat viewing.
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