Supergirl: Parasite Lost (2018)
Season 4, Episode 5
Mehcad Brooks needs to go - for a long time now..
12 November 2018
For several years I have been saying that Mehcad Brooks needs to go. I was attacked years ago for saying this in various places as many expressed their like for him. Now it is becoming obvious to all that Mehcad Brooks has no acting talent and is always flat on the screen.

He never has had any chemistry with any of the forced female relationships. Frankly he has no chemistry with anybody on the show - male or female. He has always been dead weight for the show from the very beginning.

His casting as Jimmy was a mistake from the beginning and the character of Jimmy is a major mistake on this show. Jimmy is a secondary character.

Second and high billing for Mehcad still in the credits. For this reason and many others I much prefer the old Lois and Clark show with Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher to this Supergirl show. The writing was better, acting better, stories better, and chemistry good.

Just let Supergirl be Super (which has not happened for a year now) and reduce James to a small bit part with his camera. Your Fired.
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