The Apple (1980)
1 1/2 hours of musical WTF-ery
2 November 2018
Wow. Well that was a hot mess complete with Gandalf living in a cave under the bridge leading a hippie commune and oh my god there's a flying interstellar ghost car that the almighty rocks around in. These are some of the 'highlights' you have to look forward to with this campy misfire, and that's really just scratching the surface.

One the one hand I feel like everyone should see The Apple once just to witness a jumbled spectacle unlike anything else available in this universe or any other. On the other hand I have legitimate fears that many years from now on my death bed images from this bizarre misadventure will pop into my head and I will be be eternally doing the BIM. Chilling stuff.

In the end I can't really recommend it. I see how someone looking for a overlooked campy classic might wander into this one and be intrigued, but it's mostly a mess and most especially because the songs just aren't any good.
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