One of the Best and Most Creative Horror Movies I have Ever Seen
20 October 2018
This movie is genius. Way better than Unfriended, although I had given that movie 9/10. Only an extremely creative mind can put the idea of everything happening on a static monitor screen into practice and create a level of tension that most ordinary horror movies fail to achieve. In order to enjoy this movie you need to be in love with your computer and spend a lot of time with it. Then the events unfolding on the monitor screen will seem real to you. I looked up "Matias O'Brien" (the main character's name in the movie) on Skype and it's actually there. I sent him a message and asked whether he was involved in the making of the movie and sent a few of the hacking commands to him we see in the movie just for the laughs and he kindly replied to my message. I'm copy-pasting his response for you: "Haha yup that would be us! We created the account for the project! Hope you enjoyed it!"

I loved the movie and I have watched it many many times. It's most effective when you watch it on your PC/laptop. It wouldn't have the same effect on TV or the big screen. The acting was totally natural and I liked all of the actors and actresses to the point that I wish I could be friends with them in real life. They each had colorful and unique characters and said some really funny things (the hopeless romantic, the skeptic, the nerd, the silent type). There is only one thing about this movie that made it look a bit unrealistic; the camera footage getting scrambled every time the hackers went in front of the cam. Also, I wish they had used Windows 10 instead of Mac operating system, because it would have made the experience more authentic to most of us. The program Papaya used in the movie to communicate with hearing impaired people was genius. I'm not sure if such a software actually exists, but if it does not, the producers of this movie could totally own the patent for such a brilliant idea.

The events unfolding in the movie, while extremely clever, are highly unlikely, because the criminals would have had to know the victims' next move and plan what to do and how to do it in advance, so making their complicated evil decisions in real-time was simply not possible. They would not have been able to do many of the things they did if the victims had made different choices, so their grand plan (which is explained at the end of the movie) would have failed, because it pretty much depended on who found the laptop and what he did with it and whether he had a nerd help him uncover its secrets. Not to mention the fact that the hacking commands you see in the movie are all fake and it's not possible to do most of those things in real life. You can't use self-destructing messages on Skype no matter how big of a hacker you are unless it was a per-defined feature in the software. Although, some things are indeed real, like hacking into people's cameras and people doing evil things on the Dark Web using hidden services.

The movie would make you curious about the Dark Web and might encourage you to go look for it. I did and I stumbled upon some horrifying websites that I had to close as soon as I saw what they were offering. Some websites I dared not even enter out of curiosity, because they might think you are actually into that kind of stuff, trace and arrest you. There are unimaginably evil things on the Dark Web. Even becoming aware of the existence of such things makes one realize what a horrifying world we all live in and what kinds of psychos we are dealing with everyday that act like normal people off-line and turn into evil monsters on the internet just to inflict unimaginable pain on others. We are all in a horror movie. We just don't feel it, and that's what makes this movie all the more terrifying.

Please watch this movie and appreciate the high amount of creativity that has gone into it.

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