102 Not Out (2018)
Could have been better. Moral Science lessons.
15 October 2018
102 Not Out - The movie that brings two favourite stars of yesteryear, Amitabh Bachan and Rishi Kapoor in a never before seen combination of father and son. The movie is short 1hr 40min moral science lesson on how age is just a number and life is to live and as Amitabh's character says "I have never died during my life" so live life to the fullest live for your happiness and not for people who don't care for you. The story revolves around a 102 year old father in the hope of breaking the world record for the oldest man title tries to get his 75 year old son change the way he lives and copes with things around him. The setting is very theatrical literally with most of the events happening inside the house. So the feel and melodrama is of the theatre kind and were it not for the two actors this movie would have been way different. The actors keep us through with their banters and theatrics. Story and premise are very predictable and has emotions and cliches galore ala Bhagban style. The movie has it's moments and is a decent weekend watch if you have nothing much to do and if u r a fan of the two actors. We now know where Ranbir, Kareena and Taimur get their cuteness from..Rishi Kapoor lovely as ever..
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