Strangely marketed but surprisingly decent.
30 August 2018
'The Heist (2013)' is a straight-to-video comedy caper strangely marketed, mainly through a terribly photoshopped front cover, as a gritty thriller, one that has two similar but distinct titles not clearly separated by territory and has had a limited international release spread across a number of years, to the point that it's actual release date is difficult to nail down. Despite all this, it also happens to be a relatively decent affair, one that passes the time with its pleasantly entertaining plot and pretty good central performances (William H. Macey stands out as the best). There are a bevy of strange choices, including plot points that don't really connect together all too well and some character motivations - and actions - that are downright bizarre, but there are a couple of chuckles here and there and the whole thing goes by pretty much without a hitch. It's really not bad for a bargain-bin flick that doesn't know when it was released, what it wants to be marketed as or even what it's called. 6/10
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