Jessi's Girls (1975)
Above Average Picture from Adamson
24 July 2018
Jessi's Girls (1975)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Jessica (Sondra Currie) and her husband, a Mormon couple, are heading out West to start a new life but all of that comes to a stand still when they are attacked by a group of men. The husband is murdered after being forced to watch Jessica get gang raped. The bandits think they have killed her too but she survives the ordeal, gets trained to use a gun and goes out for revenge.

JESSI'S GIRLS is one of director Al Adamson's least seen pictures and I'm really not too sure why because it turned out to be one of his better pictures. I've seen the majority of Adamson's work and there's no question that he had a desire to make movies more than an actual talent. He created some very memorable drive-in pictures but I don't think there's anyone out there that would try to convince you that he was a great director.

This film here is basically DEATH WISH but in a Western setting and with a woman doing the revenge. The film actually benefits from being very sleazy, which wasn't something that a lot of Adamson pictures could say. The opening gang rape sequence is fairly brutal and there's a great deal of violence throughout the picture. Adamson also allows plenty of nudity and sex throughout the picture and I couldn't help but think some of this sleaze would have helped pictures like BRAIN OF BLOOD or HORROR OF THE BLOOD MONSTERS.

Currie was fun to watch in the lead and we also had the likes of Regina Carrol, Jennifer Bishop and Rod Cameron show up. The cinematography is a tad bit rough and there's no doubt that there's very little here that is original. With that being said, if you're a fan of the director then this here is worth seeking out.
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