Germany tries to snatch Dan Brown's laurel crown
11 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
To begin with the good : "Das Jesus Video" does have entertainment value, at least for viewers willing not to overthink things. The science-fiction angle is barely examined but there is a lot of adventure and suspense against a background of historical monuments or exotic scenery. Pursuits, assassins, secret societies, culturally important landmarks, age-old conspiracies, Documents That Might Change The World As We Know It : we're clearly in Dan Brown country rather than in the Holy Land, although the series, I'll give it that, takes itself less seriously than Dan Brown's oeuvre does. It's a professionally made little B-series of the popcorn variety, and should be watched (and appreciated) as such.

I would not necessarily encourage the actors (the blond protagonist included) to go and tackle some of the great Shakespearian tragedies, but again, this is pretty much par for the course.

However, our blond hero does look spectacularly trim and handsome, especially in shorts and underpants. He continues to look spectacularly trim and handsome, even when getting punched and beaten up like a giant stress ball. The same goes for those scenes where he is getting tortured or being threatened with torture. (Strangely, none of this causes him to get hospitalized for fourteen months or so.)

Which rather brings me to one of the negatives : there are some pretty weird undercurrents here. I get the impression that some of the material, especially the torture scenes, might be of considerable interest to psychiatrists. Hell, I can picture a seminar full of psychiatrists making notes, using quite a lot of words beginning with dys- or ending in -pathy and -phobia.

Finally it needs to be said that the ending is frustrating, since it does not offer any clear dénouement or resolution, and this after hours of pursuits, explosions and double-crosses. It's quite possible that it was designed to be mysterious and tantalizing, but still, frustrating is the word...
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