Boogeyman 3 (2008)
Boogeyman 3: The best of the trilogy
18 June 2018
I hated the first two films, I thought they were simply horror done wrong with no originality at all. Cookie cutter horror and done badly, really really badly.

The third was expected to be just as bad but was a pleasant surprise, it's still mediocre but its passable by comparison.

This time the film actually has a structure, a competent plot and the "Boogeyman" isn't bad at all in appearance/execution.

It follows a tried and tested formula, kids in uni getting picked off one by one by this malevolent force but the "Belief" system makes for some interesting scenarios.

The deaths are average, the script is passable and the movie as a whole is nothing even remotely special but compared to the first two this is a work of art.

Just about watchable stuff and certainly ending the trilogy on a high....ish note.

The Good:

Boogeyman looks great

Has a few very inventive ideas

A couple of the girls on the cast were great

The Bad:

Potential was squandered

Still very generic

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

That girl from Coronation Street & Hollyoaks doesn't know how to age! Seriously, she has access to the fountain of eternal youth and I demand a pint or two....or three...or a weekend of bathing in it! I'm approaching 40 leave me alone!
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